Instructions on linking your Craigslist post to MyCurrency

3 min readFeb 11, 2020


MyCurrency Users can link their Craigslist posting to the MyCurrency App

One of MyCurrency’s main features is to be able to trade or sell your currency, or make an offer to buy currencies, on Craigslist, and have a link of that Craigslist post appear on the MyCurrency app for all users to see.

If you want to share your Craigslist posting with the users of MyCurrency, and link your Craigslist post to the app, you can do so by following the steps below:

  1. Click on the Listings tab on the bottom of your dashboard.

2. Then click on the New button

3. Type in a Title of your listing, it should be identical to what you will post in Craigslist.

4. Click on Copy Info button

5. Then click on the Craigslist link and create your posting on Craigslist

6. Once you are done, please paste the link from Craigslist post to the Craigslist URL field on the MyCurrency App

7. Finish the process by clicking Publish listing button

8. It should automatically appear on the My Listings list and all Local and Global Listings

If you are offering to sell/trade your own currency from the MyCurrency app and wanted it posted to Craigslist as well, you can also follow the next steps:

  1. Click on the Listings tab on the bottom of your dashboard.
  2. Then click on the New button
  3. Type in a Title of your listing
  4. Click on the Offer Currency button

5. Then choose the currency you are offering to sell/trade on the drop down box under Choose Currency

6. Then choose if you are getting this currency from your Public or Private Holding

7. Type in the Amount you want to trade, you can only type in up to the amount of what your balance is

8. On the Craigslist Template box, it will add the amount and currency you are trading/selling beside the title of your posting.

9. Click on Copy Info button

10. Then click on the Craigslist link and create your posting on Craigslist

11. Once you are done, please paste the link from Craigslist's post to the Craigslist URL field on the MyCurrency App

12. Finish the process by clicking Publish listing button

13. It should automatically appear on the My Listings list and all Local and Global Listings

Best of luck on trading and selling!



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