Trading currencies with another MyCurrency user

5 min readFeb 3, 2020


If you’re looking to find a particular currency to trade for your own currency or a currency you received, these are the steps you can follow:

  1. You have to search for the store that belongs to that currency first.

2. Then you can click on the name of the Currency.

3. Then click on ‘Make Offer for Currency’ at the bottom of the page to make an offer to the issuer of that currency. And type in the amount that you want to request. Then click on Next.

4. You can now choose the currency you own to trade. If the currency is under your ‘Externally issued’ tab, please make sure that the currency you own to trade is in your Public Holdings already (if it is a currency you issue, under the ‘My currencies’ tab, then even if you have zero units in your Public Holding, you will be able to offer it). Then you can type in the amount of currency you want to trade, then click on Next.

5. You should now get an Offer confirmation page. You can click on Ok.

6. Then it will take you to the Offers Page where you can see all Sent, Received and Open offers.

Another option is:

After Step 2 from above list:

  1. You can click on the Public Holders link, it will display a list of individuals who own the chosen currency and who have more than 0 units of that currency, in their Public Holdings.

2. From that list, you can click on the Make Offer link.

3. And type in the amount that you want to request. Then click on Next.

4. You can now choose the currency you own to trade. If the currency is under your ‘Externally issued’ tab, please make sure that the currency you own to trade is in your Public Holdings already (if it is a currency you issue, under the ‘My currencies’ tab, then even if you have zero units in your Public Holding, you will be able to offer it). Then you can type in the amount of currency you want to trade, then click on Next.

5. You should now get an Offer confirmation page. You can click on Ok.

6. Then it will take you to the Offers Page where you can see all Sent, Received and Open offers.

How do other users know that a currency you own is available for swap/trade through the app?

First, you have to transfer the currency you want to trade/swap from Private Holding to Public Holding. Then you would automatically be included in the Public Holders list of owners of that currency that other users can send an offer to.

Once you receive an offer, you have three options: You can accept, reject or create a counter offer.

How to create a Counter Offer?

  1. Once you receive the offer, it will show in the Offers list. Please click on the Offer.

2. You will get an Offer Chain page where you can click the Counter Offer button on the bottom right.

3. Then you have to click on the Add currency to request button, or you can add another currency or request another currency instead.

4. Type in the amount of currency you want from their offer. Or you don’t have to change it at all and just continue to the next step. Click on Next.

5. You will get another Offer Currency page that would show your currency this time, you have to click on the Add currency to offer button. Or you can offer another currency of yours.

6. Type in the amount of currency you want from their offer. Then click on Finish.

7. You will now get a Your Offer page that shows your counter offers details. Then click on Ok.

When creating a counter offer to someone, you will be able to view all the currencies they have in their Public Holdings, as well as all the currencies that they are the issuer of. You can request up to the Amount that they have in their Public Holding. However if they are the issuer of the currency that you want to request, you can request as much as you want.

This is how the Offers page looks like with the other MyCurrency user in the process of counter offering:

